Current bids and opportunities

WE’RE HIRING WATERMEN Let’s work together to grow Maryland’s oyster production and improve our coastal resources and economy. Please fill out this form to let us know what opportunities you’re…

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Operation Build-a-Reef: Severn River

Build-a-Reef Severn River began in 2018 in partnership with the Severn River Association and the Maryland Department of Natural Resources. The purpose is to leverage grassroots community support to help…

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Operation Build-a-Reef: Eastern Bay

Build-a-Reef Eastern Bay began in 2022 in partnership with ShoreRivers and the Maryland Department of Natural Resources. Our collective goal is to support the restoration of 100 million oysters in…

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MGO Coordinator Resources 

The MGO program would not be successful without dedicated and passionate coordinators and coordinator groups, thank you! Helpful information and program resources are linked below. If you have questions or…

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Start MGO in Your Watershed

ESTABLISH THE MGO PROGRAM IN YOUR AREA ORP welcomes new Chesapeake Bay tributaries into the MGO program! Any new waterway must fall below a salinity boundary along the southern shore…

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Celebrating National Oyster Rockefeller Day

If you’re like us, you love any excuse to eat oysters, especially Chesapeake Bay-harvested bivalves! National Oysters Rockefelllar Day is the perfect excuse to try a new recipe, or get…

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2023 Board Update

As we embark on another exciting year, we thank ORP’s Board of Directors for their steadfast service in support of Chesapeake Bay oyster restoration efforts. We also recognize the significant…

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