Operation Build-a-Reef: Severn River

SRA ORP Spat drop -18

Build-a-Reef Severn River began in 2018 in partnership with the Severn River Association and the Maryland Department of Natural Resources. The purpose is to leverage grassroots community support to help restore oysters to the Severn River sanctuary.

This partnership has contributed the following to the Severn River:

2024: Severn River Association Plants 12.5 Million Oysters

2023: Severn Build-A-Reef Plants 15 Million Oysters!

2022: Operation Build-A-Reef Severn River Plants 30 Million Oysters

2021: 20 Million Oysters Planted in the Severn River Thanks to Operation Build-A-Reef

2020: Severn River Receives Boatload of Oysters Through Operation Build-A-Reef

2018: Build-A-Reef Campaign Aims to Put 10 Million Oysters in the Severn River This Summer