Kevin Miller
Kevin is the Payroll and Finance Specialist within ORP’s finance department. His duties include managing the timekeeping system, running payroll, reconciling company credit cards, and processing monthly expense reimbursements. He supports important financial controls by opening all office mail.
Kevin began as a part-time employee in January of 2018 and was promoted to full-time later that year. ORP is his first full-time job, and he has learned much in the past five years. He has also worked in the Records & Registration Office at AACC and had a brief gig as a contractor repairing telephones in the Baltimore County Jail.
Kevin is the only ORP staff member who doesn’t spend all his free time outside; instead, he enjoys playing video games and listening to music, including metal, hip-hop, punk, and jazz. He also likes reading. He does leave the house to play Dungeons & Dragons with his friends and to go for bike rides on the BWI and B&A trails.